
Egg Hunting in Bruegel's Paintings

Paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Pieter Bruegel l'Ancien) are very famous. Let's hunt some eggs... or ovoïd froms.

in The Land of Cockaigne (Schlaraffenland), 1567
Oil on panel
Alte Pinakothek

in Dulle Griet (Dull Gret , also named Mad Meg), c. 1562
Oil on wood

Oil on oak panel
Staatliche Museen, Berlin

On the left (the egg in the nest under the roof) : "Leave at least one egg in the nest", meaning "Always have something in reserve".
On the right :
Up : "To take the hen's egg and let the goose's egg go", meaning : "To make a bad decision".
Down : "To yawn against the oven", meaning : "To attempt more than one can manage".
From a list detailing the proverbs and meanings published by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and reproduced in Hagen pp.36-7. On wiki.

We also have to add The Egg Dance.

There are many websites concerning Bruegel, but I strongly recommand all-art.org. and this one for full resolution of many Bruegel's paintings.

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