
Egg Proverbs

Some antiguan or jamaican proverbs

Alligator lay egg, but 'im no fowl (An alligator lays eggs, but is not a poultry )
View a subject from every angle, not just one point of view - things are not always what they seem.

Black fowl can lay white egg
An evil or imperfect person is capable of producing a perfect or benevolent offspring or is capable of doing good.

Ev'ry time fowl lay egg, 'im try te tell de whole wull (Every time a poultry lays an egg, she tries to tell the whole world)
To refer to a person who is quick to brag about his/her achievements.

To get the egg you ha foo stan'de hen cackling
Bear and rebut till you get what you want.

When darg n'yam egg, 'im nebber stap (Once a dog begins to eat eggs, he never stops)
The person who becomes sexually active will continue to engage in sexual activities.

Dawg nebber se egg befo', 'im se egg shell 'im seh a egg (Also reads : 'im se white 'tone 'im seh a egg) (when a dog who's never seen an egg sees an eggshell, he says it is an egg)
The author recalls a very poor young man who went to America as farm-worker and returned to Jamaica with a few thousand dollars. He thought he was rich and hired people to do even simple tasks for him, such as polishing his shoes. That he was soon begin to survive is obvious. This is a classic exemple of a man who mistook eggshell with white stone for egg.

De fus time dawg tas'e fowl egg, 'im nyam de shell an' all (The first time a dog tastes fowl's egg, he eats the shell and all)
This applies to the parvenu who spends without reserve in a flaunting manner.

Fowl wi' swear fe 'im egg, but 'im cawn swear fe 'im pickney (A poultry may swear for her eggs but cannot swear for her chickens)
This Saying was first heard when a group of middle-class young men alleviated their boredom by vandalizing a neighbor's property, shortly after an evening of games at a friend's home. The friend adamantly defended the young men when they where accused. But the father of one of the group knew otherwise, so he quietly repeated the above, then turned to his son and advised him to make amends.

Fowl agree te hatch duck egg, but 'im no agree te teach duck pickney te swim (A poultry agrees to hatch the duck's eggs but not to teach the ducklings to swim)
Do not impose on one's generosity. There is a limit to how much advantage one sould take of others' kindness.

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