
Egg hunting in Eekman's Paintings

Let's hunt some eggs in Nicolas Eekman's paintings.

dans A Cheval sur un œuf, 1959
peinture aux encres

dans Le toit de la ferme, 1961
huile sur toile

dans Enchevêtrements, 1972
dessin à la plume

dans Espiègleries, 1972
huile sur toile

dans L'arbre foudroyé, 1961
huile sur toile

L'Œuf debout
Image de la Fondation Eeckman

Sans oublier L'homme à l'œuf cassé

Piano for an Egg

The Egg on the Wall
piano solo

This character piece musically tells the story of "Humpty Dumpty."
The first section (4/4) is stately ("The King's Parade", above); the second (6/8) is "Wobbly" ("The Egg is losing its balance"); the third (6/8) portrays the egg falling through the use of descending three-note repeated patterns that are played hand over hand; and the fourth (4/4) is a funeral march. Harmonic intervals are not larger than sixths and the shortest notes are eighths. This composition was successfully performed by a 5 1/2-year-old student.
Sint Sink Music.


Nœud d'Œufs

N'eux n'œuf...
Nœud neuf...

de Priky Plume

Look Inside of Me

1. Shell : Outer covering of egg composed largely of calcium carbonate. Shells may be white or brown depending on the breed of chicken. The color does not affect egg quality, flavor, cooking characteristics, nutritive value or shell thickness.
2. Air Cell : Pocket of air formed at large end of the egg. This pocket is caused by contraction of the contents during cooling after laying and increases in size as the egg ages.
3. Shell Membranes : Two membranes (inner and outer shell membranes) surrounding the albumen. These provide a protective barrier against bacterial penetration. The air cell forms between these two membranes.
4. Thin Albumen (White) : Nearest to the shell and spreads around the thick white of high-quality egg.
5. Thick Albumen (White) : Major source of egg riboflavin and protein, and stands higher and spreads less than thin white in higher-grade eggs. This albumen thins and becomes indistinguishable from thin white in lower-grade eggs.
6. Chalazae : Twisted, cord-like strands of egg white, which anchors the yolk in the center of the egg. A prominent chalazae indicates freshness.
7. Vitelline (Yolk) Membrane : Clear seal which holds the egg yolk.
8. Germinal Disc : Disklike region from which the embryo begins to develop in the fertilized ovum.
9. Yolk : Yellow portion of egg. The color of the yolk varies with the feed of the hen, but doesn’t indicate nutritive content. The yolk is the major source of the egg’s vitamins, minerals, and fat ; and contains about half of the protein.


Enigmatic Eggs

Green Egg

Golden Egg
Brent Crothers

In Baltimore: The Language of Objects exhibition at the Maryland State Arts Council -
December 3, 2009 through March 24, 2010

Eco Egg Car

Futuristic Egg-shaped car - Eco Car

Electric two-wheeled concept car, Daniel Scotland, Peugeot.
The car, which looks like more of a fashion accessory, will be powered by a lithium-ion battery pack, which will provide energy to the electric motors incorporated in both wheels.
The driver won’t find a conventional steering wheel inside this small car, as it will be maneuvered by a joystick-like device that is placed in front of the armrests.



Egg shaped Remote Control

Universal TV or other home appliance equipment control.
Can be used in any contry with it corresponding code version.
Remote control distance can be up to 10 m.

Egg For Sex Drug Hope

Sex drug hope over rotten egg gas

The gas responsible for the foul odour of rotten eggs could hold the key to a new impotence drug, experts believe.
A team from the University of Naples Federico II in Italy found the release of hydrogen sulphide in the penis plays a role in creating an erection.
Researchers said the study could lead to an alternative to Viagra, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science journal reported
It has been suggested that hydrogen sulphide, responsible for the foul smell of rotten eggs and also found in car exhaust fumes, helps relax nerve cells in the penis to stimulate blood flow. Read more

BBC News - Tuesday, 3 March 2009

L'Œuf et la Foule

Un Œuf dans la Foule
Manuela Draeger, 2009

Éditeur : L'École des Loisirs - Collection Medium
Enfants : 12-15 ans

Les Josette sont des écolières qui portent toutes le même prénom: Josette.
Jusqu'ici, rien de grave.
Mais voilà : depuis un mois, les Josette ont cessé d'aller à l'école. Elles préfèrent errer dans les rues, se rassembler sur les bords de l'estuaire, et grignoter des œufs durs. Elles sont de plus en plus nombreuses. Quand on les questionne, elles répondent qu'elles attendent la douze millième Josette.
Bobby Potemkine a beaucoup de mal à en savoir plus, car les Josette ne parlent qu'aux Josette.
Heureusement, Lili Nebraska vole à son secours, comme d'habitude.
Et aussi Lili Iomelli, sa voisine, qui a naguère exercé le métier de photocopieuse sans machine et en a gardé une extraordinaire richesse de vocabulaire. Lili a remarqué que les Josette se passionnent pour les œufs. Pourquoi ?
La douze millième Josette va-t-elle éclore ? Être pondue ? Et que se passera-t-il ensuite ? L'inquiétude monte dans la ville, tandis que la nuit devrait tomber, mais ne tombe pas...

Ovo de Colombo (3)

The Birth of a New Man, 1995
Sevilla, Andalucia, Parque de San Jeronimo

"The Birth of a New Man" (Colombus Egg) is an enormous egg-shaped structure of 45 m high. The scale of the egg is more-or-less shaped by sails with open crosses in it. Inside the egg is a statue of Christopher Columbus holding a map showing his three ships: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria on a map on their way to discover the new world.
The monument is the first of an artistic continuation of two. "The Birth of a New Man" depicts the discoverer of America inside an egg. It symbolizes the starting point of Columbus while the second, "The Birth of a New World" in Puerto Rico, will symbolize the seafarer's lifework.
Photo: P. van der Krogt and R. Jutte
Another picture in a previous post.


Eggs for Malagasy Rainforests

"We're all in this together"
Home sweet Home
Fragile - Handle with care

By Kat Ostrow

By aspenshimmers
Please help save the home of the Aye-aye
in the rain forests of Madagascar.

Seen on tgegg.posterous.com, with plenty others.

[...] Tim Grosvenor describes almost all of his work as Order & Chaos, this is not a title for a specific series of paintings it is an overarching phrase that accounts for his work of over the past several years regardless of the specific content or image. The phrase describes the space in which this artist works. [...]

Artists, Writers, Architects, Photographers, Poets, Working together to help Save the Rainforests of Madagascar, Inspired by the Largest Egg Known to Science, That of the now extinct Elephant Bird.
In association with the Zoo Zurich.

Quiet Eggs

An Egg is Quiet
By Dianna Aston
Illustrated by Sylvia Long
Chronicle Books, 2006

Age : 5 - 10

The title of this book is the first sentence of what passes for a story line, which ends with "an egg is noisy!" accompanied by a drawing of hatchlings of the "quiet" egg illustrated on the first page. (This ending line really should have been rephrased, since it's the newborns that are peeping, not the broken eggs.) In between, some characteristics of eggs are noted and adaptations, such as being speckled or "pointy," are briefly explained.
The hand lettered text is richly garnished by over 100 ink and watercolor illustrations of eggs (and many of the adults that produce them) of a rather eclectic array of species, all identified by common names. As is to be expected, birds make up the majority (75%) of the animals pictured, but insects (1,586), crustaceans, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are represented as well. No part of the book has gone unillustrated ; even the front and rear endpapers (pastedowns) are decorated with the shell pattern of one of the eggs. This book is visually pleasing, educational, and utilitarian. A child who might have had it read to him or her as a preschooler could use it several years later to identify an unknown egg found on a field trip.

This book was one of the winners of the 2007 AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books.

Wind in Egg Beater

Personal wind turbine design is 3x more efficient

The odd-looking configuration can be quickly removed from a roof, saving it from hurricane force winds and such, and it uses unusual vertically oriented turbine blades and lightweight materials to enhance its efficiency. The result of this unconventional design is a power generator that can produce 1.2-kW of electricity in a 12-meter-per-second wind.

Read more.


Egg Proverbs

Some antiguan or jamaican proverbs

Alligator lay egg, but 'im no fowl (An alligator lays eggs, but is not a poultry )
View a subject from every angle, not just one point of view - things are not always what they seem.

Black fowl can lay white egg
An evil or imperfect person is capable of producing a perfect or benevolent offspring or is capable of doing good.

Ev'ry time fowl lay egg, 'im try te tell de whole wull (Every time a poultry lays an egg, she tries to tell the whole world)
To refer to a person who is quick to brag about his/her achievements.

To get the egg you ha foo stan'de hen cackling
Bear and rebut till you get what you want.

When darg n'yam egg, 'im nebber stap (Once a dog begins to eat eggs, he never stops)
The person who becomes sexually active will continue to engage in sexual activities.

Dawg nebber se egg befo', 'im se egg shell 'im seh a egg (Also reads : 'im se white 'tone 'im seh a egg) (when a dog who's never seen an egg sees an eggshell, he says it is an egg)
The author recalls a very poor young man who went to America as farm-worker and returned to Jamaica with a few thousand dollars. He thought he was rich and hired people to do even simple tasks for him, such as polishing his shoes. That he was soon begin to survive is obvious. This is a classic exemple of a man who mistook eggshell with white stone for egg.

De fus time dawg tas'e fowl egg, 'im nyam de shell an' all (The first time a dog tastes fowl's egg, he eats the shell and all)
This applies to the parvenu who spends without reserve in a flaunting manner.

Fowl wi' swear fe 'im egg, but 'im cawn swear fe 'im pickney (A poultry may swear for her eggs but cannot swear for her chickens)
This Saying was first heard when a group of middle-class young men alleviated their boredom by vandalizing a neighbor's property, shortly after an evening of games at a friend's home. The friend adamantly defended the young men when they where accused. But the father of one of the group knew otherwise, so he quietly repeated the above, then turned to his son and advised him to make amends.

Fowl agree te hatch duck egg, but 'im no agree te teach duck pickney te swim (A poultry agrees to hatch the duck's eggs but not to teach the ducklings to swim)
Do not impose on one's generosity. There is a limit to how much advantage one sould take of others' kindness.

Tear-drop Egg



Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict consists of a half of an English muffin, topped with ham or bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.


1 quantity Hollandaise Sauce*
6 large, very fresh eggs
12 slices pancetta, grilled until crisp
3 English muffins, split in half horizontally
A little butter

Pre-heat the grill to its highest setting.
Poach the eggs.
When the pancetta is cooked, keep it on a warm plate while you lightly toast the split muffins on both sides.
Butter the muffins and place them on the baking tray, then top each half with two slices of pancetta. Put a poached egg on top of each muffin half and then spoon over the hollandaise, covering the egg (there should be a little over 1 tablespoon of sauce for each egg).
Flash the Eggs Benedict under the grill for just 25-30 seconds, as close to the heat as possible – they need to be tinged golden and no more. This should just glaze the surface of the hollandaise. Serve straight away on hot plates.

* Hollandaise Sauce
2 large egg yolks
1 dessertspoon lemon juice
1 dessertspoon white wine vinegar
110 g butter
Salt and freshly milled black pepper

Allegory Egg

Allegory of an American Christmas, 1934

Egg Ride


Un Œuf pour un Museum

Un œuf vert et délirant pour le nouveau
muséum de Toulouse.

Un œuf vert et gigantesque d’un dinosaure improbable. La publicité destinée à annoncer la prochaine ouverture du muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse a surpris de nombreux badauds ce matin. « Déposé » sur la via tolosa de l’avenue Alsace Lorraine, l’œuf illustré des trésors du muséum en impose. De 8 mètres de hauteur, d’un vert pomme de deux-chevaux Citroën, la publicité mérite un trophée de créativité ! Suite

Le muséum de Toulouse fut créé en 1796 par Picot de Lapeyrouse. Il est le deuxième muséum de France après celui de Paris. Le site a été en chantier pendant plusieurs années et a rouvert ses portes en 2008 pour tous. wiki

Egg Skelter



Egg Sundance

Œufs Insoupçonnés

Ces photos montrent de véritables œuvres d'art
que sont des œufs de phasmes (Insectes).

1 2


: Haaniella muelleri - Origine : Bornéo - 8x3 mm (lxd)
2 : Acrophylla wuelfingi - Origine : Australie - long. 3 mm
3 : Eurycantha coriacea - Origine : Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée - long. 6 mm
: Rhaphiderus spiniger - Origine : Ile de la Réunion, Madagascar - long. 2 mm

Vu sur le site d'Arno (Le Monde des Phasmes), qui nous adresse au site d'Alberto Gayoso (Phasmids - adults and detailed pictures of eggs) pour ces superbes photos, et où d'autres œufs sont à admirer.

Digital Egg Size

Surface area of the egg is calculated by theoretically slicing the egg into 80 cross sections and regarding each as a right frustrum of a cone. The radii of the circles that make up the top and bottom of the cone (rt and rb) are equal to half the number of black pixels in the corresponding rows, and the height (h) of the frustrum is calculated as 1/80 times the total height of the egg.
The surface area of the perimeter of each frustrum is calculated as in Paganelli et al. (1974).



L'Œuf et la Métamorphose de Narcisse

Métamorphose de Narcisse, 1936 ou 1937
Salvador Dalí
Huile sur toile - Exposée au Tate Gallery, Londres.

Dalí s’inspire ici du mythe de Narcisse.

À Paris, en 1937, Dali publie aux Éditions Surréalistes un poème intitulé comme le tableau, déclarant qu’il faut le lire en contemplant la toile.

Les commentaires sur cette œuvre sont multiples. Voici quelques pistes.

L’œil est d’abord attiré par la couleur dorée et lumineuse de Narcisse, déjà figé : ses contours imprécis se reflètent dans l’eau ; tête appuyée contre le genou, il se courbe, probablement pour mourir, seuls les cheveux sont encore en mouvement.
Graduellement, le personnage passe au second plan.
Le regard se porte vers la droite par symétrie verticale, vers son double, qui décrit sa transformation : dans la main, l’homme se libère de son orgueil. Cette main aux couleurs ternes et froides, aux doigts fins et parcourus de fourmis, tient un œuf (« reflet » de la tête de Narcisse) d’où jaillit une fleur (un narcisse).
De l'œuf s'échappe aussi la partie démoniaque de l'ancien Narcisse sous forme de serpent.
Derrière Narcisse, des personnages nus prennent des poses, se regardent et s'écoutent, intensifiant ainsi l'empreinte du narcissisme. A droite de la main, l'homme sur le piédestal renforce cette idée.

Double Easter Egg

Easter egg chocolate


Egg Message


Des Œufs de Flegel

Nature morte aux œufs et coccinelle, vers 1600
Georg Flegel
(Imbiss mit Spiegeleiern)
huile sur bois
Staatsgemäldesammlung, Aschaffenburg

Nature morte dédiée à Pâques.
Composition très simple et beau rendu des matières : le verre, le métal, la corne, la mie de pain...
Le sens est chrétien : le pain, le vin, l’œuf, trio christique. Et l’œillet, fleur de la Passion.

Le nom latin de l’œillet est dianthus, qui est lui-même tiré du grec et veut dire "fleur de Dieu" (anthos est la fleur en grec qu’on retrouve par exemple dans le chrysanthème).
Selon une légende médiévale, les larmes de la Vierge Marie à la vue de son fils sur la croix coulent en terre et font pousser des œillets (voir "La nature et ses symboles", édition Hazan). L’œillet donne des fruits en forme de petits clous, qui sont aussi associés à la Passion du Christ.

L’œuf est également un symbole de résurrection. Dans ce tableau, il est montré sous différentes formes de cuisson, miroir et pochée.
La coccinelle est bien sûr une vanité et nous rappelle à l’humilité.

Nature morte avec nourriture, insectes et mésange,
1581 ?
Georg Flegel
(Verschiedene Esswaren, Insekten und Meise)
huile sur toile
Kunstmuseum Basel

Encore des œufs pochés dans cette nature morte qui, avec le pain, le vin et le poisson, possède toujours un sens biblique. Le scarabée et la mouche sont des insectes négatifs, signes de vanité, du mal, et de la précarité de la vie.
Il est rare de trouver un panier d’escargots dans les tableaux. L’escargot est plus souvent montré en marche, toutes cornes dehors. Ici il est refermé, encore en hibernation. L’escargot est aussi dans l’imagerie chrétienne un symbole de la résurrection du Christ. Replié sur lui-même l’hiver, il ouvre son opercule et renaît au printemps.



Egg Hunting in Bruegel's Prints

After an egg hunting in the Bruegel's paintings, let's hunt some eggs or ovoïd forms in Pieter Bruegel The Elder's prints.

in Patientia (Patience), c.1559 - 1561

"P- Brueghel" is named as "inventor" on a card suspended from the cracked monster-egg at the lower right.

in Luxuria (Lust)

in Desidia (Sloth)

in Ira (Anger) - print

in Ira (Anger) - engraving

in The Land of Cockaigne, c. 1567

We also have to add The Fool trying to hatch an empty Egg, 1558

Torre Galatea

La Torre Galatea Figueras (Espagne, Catalogne)

Fondée dans les années 70, la tour Galatea (torre Galatea), annexe du musée Salvador Dalí de Figueres (Figueras) (Gérone, Catalogne) fut nommée ainsi après la mort de la femme et muse de Dali : Gala.
Salvador Dalí décède à la tour Galatea le 23 janvier 1989, d’une crise cardiaque.


Œuf ou Poule ?

Un œuf pour aujourd'hui
vaut mieux qu'un poulet pour demain.
Ancien proverbe français

... Œuf !

Jaune d'Œuf

Jaune d'Œuf
Rascal (auteur) et Edith (illustration)
L'Ecole des Loisirs - Pastel Album, 1992

Age : 3 - 5 ans
Ce livre a reçu le "Prix Livr'images" 1993, décerné par Culture et Bibliothèque pour tous.

Lucas s’est mis en tête de trouver un compagnon à son chat Ronron. Que choisir ? Une tortue ? Un canari ? Un petit chien ? Non, ce sera un poussin gagné à la kermesse.
Ronron adopte aussitôt Picoti. Il rêve en secret aux œufs que Picoti pondra un jour et aux délicieux gâteaux que cuira la maman de Lucas. Le temps passe. Picoti grandit mais ne pond toujours pas. Que se passe-t-il ?