Since ice is a global phenomenon, ice information must be freely exchanged between countries throughout the world. This requires coordination and standardization of practices and procedures and the efficient exchange of ice data. The WMO (World Meteorological Organization) has undertaken these tasks, including promotion of further application of ice information services to shipping, marine resource activities and other human safety activities. The results have been international codes and standardized nomenclature and symbology.
The basic data concerning concentrations, stages of development (age) and form (floe size) of ice are contained in a simple oval form. A maximum of three ice types is described within the oval. This oval and the coding associated with it, are referred to as the "Egg Code".
The Egg Code conforms to international convention and shall be used in coding all visual sea ice and lake ice observations without exception.
From MANICE, the Manual of Standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice Conditions. It describes the procedures for observing, recording, and reporting ice conditions.
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