
Volterra Egg

"Uovo servito per lo studio sui moti del poli terrestre."
Vito Volterra, italian mathematician and physicist.

“The egg is used to study the motions 
of the terrestrial poles."

Photo : John Vining, The Huntington Blog.



[...] Para além de adorarem anjos e de se baptizarem numa fonte, os yazidis também cozem ovos que às vezes pintam com cores diferentes e espalham por cima das portas, em casa ou no templo de Lalish. "Toda a vida vem de ovos. Quando cozemos os ovos, estamos a celebrar a vida", explica Shahwan, no pátio largo que antecede a entrada na sala maior do templo, a tal que tem uma porta com uma serpente negra à direita. E um degrau, que não pode ser pisado ao entrar. "É preciso saltar o degrau, em sinal de respeito." [...]

(Artigo completo aqui)


Ville N'Œuf

Fête du n'Œuf, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, 2007
Photo : Anthony Weir


De ponto cruz


Les Œufs Passent à l'Action

Une troupe de breakdancing fera escale dans le métro de Montréal cette semaine afin de promouvoir les bienfaits de la consommation des œufs. [...]

Annonceur: Office canadien commercialisation des œufs
Agence : BBDO Canada
Conception-rédaction : Patrick Scissons
Direction artistique : Mark Mason
Direction de compte
: Darryn Wright

© Les Éditions Infopresse, 15 août 2005


Huevos Rancheros

Huevos rancheros é um pequeno-almoço tradicional mexicano com raízes nos ranchos mexicanos. O prato era tradicionalmente servido ao pequeno-almoço a meio da manhã ou ao almoço, aos trabalhadores do campo.

A versão básica dos Ovos Rancheiros consiste em Tortilhas de milho ligeiramente fritas, ovos fritos com molho de tomate e pimentos. Os ovos são muitas vezes acompanhados por fatias de abacate, batatas fritas e pimentos extra picantes.

Veja a receita aqui

(sugestão de R.F.)

Joke ? :-(


Poof !

Graphic Design on T-shirts and clothing, stickers, mugs, mousepads... Here



No ninho

À venda aqui.

Ostrich Egg Vessel

From South Africa
Collected by Edward John Dunn in 1872
Given to the Museum in 1936
Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford University

In South Africa, ostrich eggs have been used as containers for some 15,000 years, primarily for storing and carrying water. A small hole is drilled in the egg, the inside cleaned out, and the shell decorated. When it is filled with water, the hole is plugged with grass or sealed with a limpet shell. This ostrich egg shell has been engraved with figures of an antelope and an ostrich. It was collected in 1872.


Histoires du Petit Œuf

Tchao les poules !

Premier tome des aventures du Petit Œuf
T2 : Opération poules mouillées ! - 2005
T3 : Bandes de chicken nuggets ! - 2007
T4 : Le Prince des omelettes - 2008
T5 : Vive le jardin - 2010


Agarra que é ladrão!

Um contrabandista tentou esconder da polícia Australiana 37 ovos de papagaio armazenados cuidadosamente em uma camiseta. Pego no aeroporto de Perth, ele foi condenado a 16 meses de prisão. Kevin Gledhill, de 53 anos, tentou esconder os ovos de papagaio em bolsos costurados em uma camiseta. Segundo os agentes de imigração, ele desembarcou de Bali no aeroporto de Perth.

Œufs Déguisés

A base de coquilles d'œufs vides.

Matériel et fabrication ici.


Giant Hollow Cracked Egg Foam

This cracked open egg foam prop is 6 foot tall (1,80 m). Big enough for someone to be inside.
At the right moment you push on the walls and the egg "Pops Open".

Be inside with a chicken costume, maybe like this one ?

Buy here



Australian Political Eggs

Egg on her face
23rd Aug 2010
At least part of the Labor backlash in Queensland 
due to the dumping of Kevin Rudd as leader.

Incubating your superannuation nest egg
5th July 2010 
High superannuation administration fees 
eroding people's superannuation nest egg.

From Inkcinct Cartoons, Australia


L'Œuf et la Fourmi

Lorsque l'enfant tire la fourmi, l'œuf qu'elle porte sur le dos tourne sur lui-même alors que sa tête et ses antennes s'agitent d'un côté à l'autre.
Jouet Brio


Œuf et Dragons

Âge : 5 - 7 ans
Les fans du film "Dragons" peuvent en retrouver l'excitation dans ce jeu.
Les enfants peuvent déposer un œuf dans le volcan bouillonnant. L'œuf est "dissous" et libère des dragons en pièces détachées cachées à l'intérieur. Les joueurs peuvent assembler les pièces et les échanger pour créer de nouvelles espèces de dragons.

Acheter ici


Egg Code for Ice

Since ice is a global phenomenon, ice information must be freely exchanged between countries throughout the world. This requires coordination and standardization of practices and procedures and the efficient exchange of ice data. The WMO (World Meteorological Organization) has undertaken these tasks, including promotion of further application of ice information services to shipping, marine resource activities and other human safety activities. The results have been international codes and standardized nomenclature and symbology.

The basic data concerning concentrations, stages of development (age) and form (floe size) of ice are contained in a simple oval form. A maximum of three ice types is described within the oval. This oval and the coding associated with it, are referred to as the "Egg Code".

The Egg Code conforms to international convention and shall be used in coding all visual sea ice and lake ice observations without exception.

From MANICE, the Manual of Standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice Conditions. It describes the procedures for observing, recording, and reporting ice conditions.


Egg Pillow, Mug, Diary...

And find them too in T-shirts and clothing, bags, caps, thongs (!), dog T-shirts...

Buy here.


Christmas Egg Message

Il suffit de casser le sommet de l’œuf , comme si vous mangiez un œuf à la coque, et de faire baigner sa base dans de l’eau. Un haricot germera alors et sortira doucement de l’œuf. Un message est imprimé sur la graine. Il est lisible à un certain stade de sa croissance, mais s'efface lorsque le haricot devient trop important.


L'Œuf et son Nid

The nest

The egg
Artist : Nils Udo
in BuGa 2005, Münich

The original german term for National Garden Festival is "Bundesgartenschau" (short term : BuGa). 
wiki deutsch, wiki english


Black Latticino Nest

This delicate nest was created by Virginia using Latticino canes she made in her studio.
Each cane is pointed at both ends, then they are fused and slumped in a kiln. It becomes a sculptural centre piece with a beautiful glass egg nestled inside.
Signed : Virginia Wilson Toccalino



L'Œuf a dit

3 - 10 ans

Jeu d'expression corporelle pour bouger et s'amuser, seul ou à plusieurs, avec un module interactif qui parle et fait de la musique.
Deux modes de jeu rythmés et rigolos :
- Un jeu d'adresse et de concentration pour que l'enfant se familiarise avec l'œuf. L'enfant observe les cartes et imite ce que fait le petit singe sans faire rire l'œuf !
- Un jeu collectif rythmé pour bouger et s'amuser à plusieurs. Les enfants se passent l'œuf en faisant ce que dit l'œuf... mais attention... sans le pencher... sinon c'est le gage !
Ce jeu favorise l'expression corporelle, la coordination et l'équilibre.

Contenu :
- Un œuf électronique parlant
- 18 cartes postures
- 18 cartes gages
Fonctionne avec 3 piles LR03

Jeu Ravensburger


Head Fragile as Egg

Ganda Mo Creators
Roger Pe
Lava Communications Phillipines remind the general public that wearing a helmet when riding a motorbike is the smartest thing to do.