Egg Head Yin and Yang
At the base of our office tower, just before one crosses the street to the Ferry Building, is a whimsical sculpture entitled “Yin and Yang” by Robert Arneson. This work was part of the aptly named “egghead” series that was originally commissioned by the University of California at Davis, where Arneson taught. The Eggheads are very popular fixtures at UC-Davis, and few can resist sitting on them, or just running their hands over the smooth surfaces. (More)

To the Orthodox, Mary Magdalene was not the "reformed prostitute" portrayed in the west. Rather, she was an educated noblewoman who helped finance the ministry of Jesus and who, after the resurrection, used her social standing to teach the gospel to upper class people who would never have listened to a mere fisherman. She has the title "Equal of the Apostles" because of her importance to the early church.
The egg story tells of her travelling to Rome after the Ascension and being admitted to the court of Tiberius Caesar. At a dinner party, she told the emperor of the miscarriage of justice done by Pilate, and then about how Jesus rose from the dead. Mary picked up an egg from the dinner table to illustrate the idea of resurrection. Tiberius scoffed at the story, saying that a man could no more rise from the dead than the egg in her hand turn red. The egg immediately turned a bright scarlet.
Egg for Peter Gabriel
Air Artists have been making inflatable props and scenery for Rock concerts since 1976.
They have made inflatables for the stage of many famous Rock artists, including Bryan Adams, Cher, Queen, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Gun's Roses, Prince...
They have made inflatables for the stage of many famous Rock artists, including Bryan Adams, Cher, Queen, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Gun's Roses, Prince...

"Since the beginning of time the same question has been asked over and over again: what came first? The chicken or the egg? Well, I am happy to say that I finally have the answer.
It's neither. The chicken's mother came first.
That's right. The mother dropped an egg and the first chicken was hatched.
And that's what we chicks have been doing ever since.
So, if you're reading this, I have obviously not dropped my last egg."
From: "Just When I Thought I'd Dropped My Last Egg: Life and Other Calamities", by Kathie Lee Gifford
Buy here

Œuf et Comète
La fin du XVIIe siècle est une époque charnière pour l'histoire de l'astronomie. Une stupéfiante série de comètes, toutes plus spectaculaires les unes que les autres, font leur apparition: 1661, 1664, 1665, 1680, et ainsi de suite.
Celle de 1680 apparaît juste au moment de Noël. L'imagination populaire se déchaîne, même les foules se montrent impressionnées par la comète si l'on en croit une gravure de l'époque qui illustre ce prodige extraordinaire: à Rome une poule aurait pondu un œuf sur lequel était gravée l'image même de la comète. L'affaire fait grand bruit, tous les journaux d'Europe reprennent la nouvelle.
(more)Celle de 1680 apparaît juste au moment de Noël. L'imagination populaire se déchaîne, même les foules se montrent impressionnées par la comète si l'on en croit une gravure de l'époque qui illustre ce prodige extraordinaire: à Rome une poule aurait pondu un œuf sur lequel était gravée l'image même de la comète. L'affaire fait grand bruit, tous les journaux d'Europe reprennent la nouvelle.
Receita "Ovo Português"

Ovo de Chocolate com recheio de leite condensado e castanhas portuguesas.
Porções - 2
Preparação - 30 minutos
Para o receheio
180 gr. de castanha sem casca
20 ml de água
100 gr. de leite condensado
Para o ovo
600 gr. chocolate meio amargo
Recheio: Pré-cozinhe as castanhas com a água em lume brando, com a panela tapada, para amaciá-las. Passe-as e leve ao lume com o leite condensado. Mexa até despegar do fundo da panela. Deixe arrefecer e guarde.
Porções - 2
Preparação - 30 minutos
Para o receheio
180 gr. de castanha sem casca
20 ml de água
100 gr. de leite condensado
Para o ovo
600 gr. chocolate meio amargo
Recheio: Pré-cozinhe as castanhas com a água em lume brando, com a panela tapada, para amaciá-las. Passe-as e leve ao lume com o leite condensado. Mexa até despegar do fundo da panela. Deixe arrefecer e guarde.
Ovo: Derreta e tempere, conforme as instruções da embalagem, o Chocolate Meio Amargo NESTLÉ e faça uma camada de chocolate numa forma própria para ovo de páscoa de 500g. Espere secar e faça uma camada do recheio. Finalize com uma camada de chocolate. Deixe endurecer e desenforme.
Fonte: Nestlé Profissional.com
One Good Egg Award 2009
Autogrill a été récompensé avec le Good Egg Award de Compassion in World Farming, une organisation internationale pour le bien-être des animaux de ferme. Ce prix est remis en collaboration avec GAIA, la plus grande organisation belge pour les droits des animaux.
Autogrill s'est vu décerner ce prix pour son utilisation d'œufs provenant d'élevages au sol.
Une nouvelle directive européenne va interdire la production d'œufs de batteries à partir de 2012.
Inflation in Zimbabwe

Finally, the 100 billion dollar bill was issued, with which you can buy…… 3 eggs.
Meli Mel'Œuf
auteur(s): LADEN Gabriel
éditeur: Zoch
année : 2007
éditeur: Zoch
année : 2007
Salut ! Je m'appelle Johnny Jaune d'œuf. C'est moi l'artiste célèbre dans le monde entier qui sait faire 12 œufs entiers avec 24 moitiés d'œufs! Vous ne me croyez pas ? Alors, je vais vous montrer comment ça marche. Et celui d'entre vous qui y arrivera le mieux, gagnera la partie.
4 cartons d'œufs - 4 coquetiers - 44 tuiles d'oiseaux rondes -
24 moitiés d'œufs dans deux boites - règle en français
24 moitiés d'œufs dans deux boites - règle en français
Charitable PedEgg

From the makers of the incredible PedEgg™-introducing the Limited Edition Pink Ped Egg- the revolutionary foot file that can make a difference in your feet and in the lives of others!
The Limited Edition Pink PedEgg™ not only removes dead skin to give you silky feet but also helps in the fight against breast cancer! $50,000 of the proceeds for the Pink PedEgg™ will go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Learn more, here.
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