
Good Luck Calendar Egg

These sculpted ceramic eggs originate on the remote Indonesian island of Kalimantan. Only the lucky eggs with a "magic" moving center-you can hear them rattle when shaken-are selected. Hand-inscribed with symbols of time on the exterior, the eggs are believed to bring a year of good luck, as long as the center continues to move. Our good luck was to discover these marvelously curious, ivory-hued objet. Sits on recycled metal stand.

Un Œuf Électrique !

L'œuf électrique est l'ancêtre de l'électronique.

Vers 1928, dans une ampoule de verre où l'on faisait un vide partiel d’air, on a réalisé des décharges électriques. On a ainsi découvert que le courant électrique était dû à des particules (protons ou électrons).
Cet œuf électrique a généré après quelques mutations : le tube à rayons X, les lampes radio, les tubes cathodiques de la TV, les magnétrons du four à micro-ondes etc...
Pour ceux qui s'y connaissent un peu, c'est ici.

Wedding eggs

A wedding egg for MMP, on this special day.

Splat the Egg



The Great Eggscape

Are you ready to help us Egg-scape?
Help us!!
The egg-centric collector of rare eggs, Sir Eggbert Shellby has kidnapped some of our friends to preserve them for eternity. Please go to his museum and free them so they can get our goo out.
Goo’d Luck.

Play The Great Eggscape.


An astonishing simulation of a bullet going through an egg in slow-motion. Here!

L´Œuf et les Schtroumpfs

Les Schtroumpfs décident de faire un grand gâteau pour une fête. Il ne leur manque qu'un ingrédient, un œuf. Un Schtroumpf est chargé d'en trouver un, et il est accompagné par le Schtroumpf Grognon. Ils finissent par trouver un œuf étrange dans la forêt, et découvrent qu'il est magique, exauçant un vœu si on le dit en tapant dessus.

Mais (wiki)... e ainda mais


Quantas faces tem um ovo?

O Ovo e a Galinha

De manhã na cozinha sobre a mesa vejo o ovo.
Olho o ovo com um só olhar. Imediatamente percebo que não se pode estar vendo um ovo. Ver o ovo nunca se mantêm no presente: mal vejo um ovo e já se torna ter visto o ovo há três milênios. – No próprio instante de se ver o ovo ele é a lembrança de um ovo. – Só vê o ovo quem já o tiver visto. – Ao ver o ovo é tarde demais: ovo visto, ovo perdido. – Ver o ovo é a promessa de um dia chegar a ver o ovo. – Olhar curto e indivisível; se é que há pensamento; não há; há o ovo. – Olhar é o necessário instrumento que, depois de usado, jogarei fora. Ficarei com o ovo. – O ovo não tem um si-mesmo. Individualmente ele não existe.

Ver o ovo é impossível: o ovo é supervisível como há sons supersônicos. Ninguém é capaz de ver o ovo. O cão vê o ovo? Só as máquinas vêem o ovo. O guindaste vê o ovo. – Quando eu era antiga um ovo pousou no meu ombro. – O amor pelo ovo também não se sente. O amor pelo ovo é supersensível. A gente não sabe que ama o ovo. – Quando eu era antiga fui depositária do ovo e caminhei de leve para não entornar o silêncio do ovo. Quando morri, tiraram de mim o ovo com cuidado. Ainda estava vivo. – Só quem visse o mundo veria o ovo. Como o mundo o ovo é óbvio. (Mais)


Ovaltine aliás Ovomaltine (revisitado)

(Sem o charme do antigamente.)

Ovaltine was developed in Switzerland, where it is known by its original name, Ovomaltine (from ovum, Latin for "egg", and malt, originally its main ingredients).
Ovomaltine was exported to England in 1909; it was a misspelling in the trademark registration process that led to the name being truncated to Ovaltine in English-speaking markets. A factory was built in England for Ovaltine's manufacture, and the English factory exported to the United States as well. By 1915, Ovaltine was being manufactured in Villa Park, Illinois, for the American market. Originally advertised as consisting solely of "malt, milk, eggs, flavored with cocoa", the formulation has changed over the decades (at one point containing irradiated yeast in the US), and today several different formulations are sold in different parts of the world.

Say no to crack t-shirt

Buy here.


Ovos no Facebook

Aplicação para Facebook

E descobri que alguns amigos meus no Facebook têm esta aplicação, que permite enviar aos amigos ovos a chocar… e daí a uns tempos, o presenteado descobre que animal é.

Egg Balanced on Light Bulb

Eggnesto Guevara?

Egg-streamly Silly Basketball

What You'll Need:

Large basket
Plastic grass
3 plastic eggs for each player

Tie one end of the rope to the basket's handle. Tie the other end to a tree limb. Mark a line 3 to 6 feet from the basket. One player starts the basket swinging. The players then try to toss their eggs into the moving basket. Who can get the most eggs in?

When you have mastered the art of Egg-streamly Silly Basketball, challenge your friends to a game of "Egghead." Make a mark on the ground. Toss the plastic egg from your mark. If you make it in the swinging basket, your friends must make it from the same mark. If they miss, they have an E. Keep playing until someone spells "Egghead." For tie-breakers, try special shots, like over the shoulder or between the legs.


Branco é, galinha o põe

Uma caixa pequeninamas que pode rebolar.Todos a sabem abrir,ninguém a sabe fechar.

Qual é a coisa,qual é ela,que é brancae caindo no chão,fica amarela?

Sou careca
e parente de carecas, minha mãe é desdentada e meu pai é cantador, eu não sou da mesma cor.

Redondinho, redondote,
não tem fundo nem batoque.

Venho vestido de frade,
mas nunca faço oração,
branco de neve é meu hábito,
é cor de oiro o coração.

Casas caiadas,
fontes amarelas,
águas claras,
ninguém vive nelas.

Qual é a coisa
que não tem pés,
nem corpo, nem bico,
mas pode ter um filhico
com pés, corpo e bico?

Qual é a coisa,
qual é ela,
capelinha branca,
sem porta nem tranca?


The torch

This flashlight is easily capable of melting plastic, lighting paper on fire within seconds, and if you want, frying an egg or a marshmallow on a stick!


Bjork Lays a Fashion Egg at Oscars

The singer-actress, nominated for best original song for "I've Seen It All'' from her movie "Dancer in the Dark",' arrived at Sunday's Academy Awards in a white, feathered, knee-length dress tailored to look like a swan.

It even included a swan's neck and head that she draped around her own neck.

Outside the Shrine Auditorium, she lifted up her dress and out dropped an egg.

BETH HARRIS, Associated Press Writer AP Online 03-26-2001

Oscar Special - The Egg and I

In the 20th Academy Awards Ceremony (1947), held at the Shrine Auditorium on March 20, 1948, Marjorie Main was nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category for her performance in the movie "The Egg and I".

She did not win.

Visit this No Principio Era o Ovo post for movie poster and clip.

Oscar special - only boiled eggs

During the filming of Cold Mountain, there were rumours that one famous actress on set ate only boiled eggs.
She would rise in the morning and eat one and then have one or two at the end of the day. That was her entire diet.
And apparently she is not alone.
Celebrity trainer David Kirsch says: "I had a client who was getting ready for the Oscars and all she ate was one meal a day - of two boiled eggs! I was able to persuade her to add some almonds and a protein shake and some vitamin supplements.

Ashley Pearson - MAIL online


Chamam-lhe Ring Galaxy (AM 0644-741) e a imagem foi capturada pelo telescópio Hubble mas, cá para mim, devia chamar-se Egg Galaxy.


Egg Maze

Les deux Rats, le Renard, et l'Œuf

Deux Rats cherchaient leur vie ; ils trouvèrent un Œuf.
Le dîné suffisait à gens de cette espèce !
Il n'était pas besoin qu'ils trouvassent un Bœuf.
Pleins d'appétit, et d'allégresse,
Ils allaient de leur œuf manger chacun sa part,
Quand un Quidam parut. C'était maître Renard ;
Rencontre incommode et fâcheuse.
Car comment sauver l'œuf ? Le bien empaqueter,
Puis des pieds de devant ensemble le porter,
Ou le rouler, ou le traîner,
C'était chose impossible autant que hasardeuse.
Nécessité l'ingénieuse
Leur fournit une invention.
Comme ils pouvaient gagner leur habitation,
L'écornifleur étant à demi-quart de lieue,
L'un se mit sur le dos, prit l'œuf entre ses bras,
Puis, malgré quelques heurts et quelques mauvais pas,
L'autre le traîna par la queue.
Qu'on m'aille soutenir après, un tel récit,
Que les bêtes n'ont point d'esprit.
Pour moi, si j'en étais le maître,
Je leur en donnerais aussi bien qu'aux enfants.
Ceux-ci pensent-ils pas dès leurs plus jeunes ans ?
Quelqu'un peut donc penser ne se pouvant connaître.
Par un exemple tout égal,
J'attribuerais à l'animal
Non point une raison selon notre manière,
Mais beaucoup plus aussi qu'un aveugle ressort :
Je subtiliserais un morceau de matière,
Que l'on ne pourrait plus concevoir sans effort,
Quintessence d'atome, extrait de la lumière,
Je ne sais quoi plus vif et plus mobile encor
Que le feu : car enfin, si le bois fait la flamme,
La flamme en s'épurant peut-elle pas de l'âme
Nous donner quelque idée, et sort-il pas de l'or
Des entrailles du plomb ? Je rendrais mon ouvrage
Capable de sentir, juger, rien davantage,
Et juger imparfaitement,
Sans qu'un Singe jamais fit le moindre argument.
A l'égard de nous autres hommes,
Je ferais notre lot infiniment plus fort :
Nous aurions un double trésor ;
L'un cette âme pareille en tout-tant que nous sommes,
Sages, fous, enfants, idiots,
Hôtes de l'univers, sous le nom d'animaux ;
L'autre encore une autre âme, entre nous et les Anges
Commune en un certain degré
Et ce trésor à part créé
Suivrait parmi les airs les célestes phalanges,
Entrerait dans un point sans en être pressé,
Ne finirait jamais quoique ayant commencé :
Choses réelles, quoique étranges.
Tant que l'enfance durerait,
Cette fille du Ciel en nous ne paraîtrait
Qu'une tendre et faible lumière ;
L'organe étant plus fort, la raison percerait
Les ténèbres de la matière,
Qui toujours envelopperait
L'autre âme, imparfaite et grossière.

La Fontaine, Fables (Version audio)

Magic Message Egg

If you ever wondered how they got ships into bottles, this is going to blow a few fuses in the 'How the *!#?*!?' part of your brain. The Message Egg is an astonishing and deeply silly bit of genetic engineering (well almost) gone haywire. Pop the can open, add water and within a matter of hours the egg will begin to crack as a bean plant begins to grow (not a chicken, as you might normally expect). This is pretty cool in itself, but not only will a bean plant grow out of the egg, the bean will have a message on it!

How the......? Who knows, and who cares, it's just a deeply weird and excellent bit of fun. The bean will germinate in about 5 to 7 days, by which time the message will be fully 'hatched' for all to see. We're still scratching our heads over this one, and it's had us all enthralled for far longer than is healthy. Egg and beans never have never been so cool.

As our Message Eggs are real plants, and nature does not always behave as we expect it to, the odd one simply refuses to sprout. If this happens to your Message Egg please contact us and we'll send you another one to replace it.

One message egg in clear germination container.
The egg cracks open to reveal a bean with a special message: 'I Love You' or 'Happy Birthday'.
The bean can then be planted to grow.
Warning: as the message eggs are live plants they sometimes have a will of their own resulting in a very low percentage refusing to grow.

(Sorry! Sold Out check back soon)


Water Egg

Discoveries made by scientist Viktor Schauberger demonstrated the benefits of storing liquids in opaque egg shaped containers. When containers have no corners and crevices there is no stagnation and disease causing bacteria are much less likely to breed. Constant convection and spiralling movement keep liquids fresh, cool and healthy. Stored liquid should not be exposed to sunlight. The Ancients knew of these principles and used amphorae and egg-shaped urns as storage vessels made from natural materials. In today‘s industrial world, practicality dictates the mass production and use of cylindrical and rectangular plastic containers.
This beautiful egg is a remarkable exception

Buy Now

Alice's Egg Plant (1925)

It starts off as a typically amusing 1920s style cartoon, with funny gags involving the animals' anatomy doing improbable and crazy things (the cat using his tail as a whip to get the lazy hens back to work). But things get REALLY wild when a Communist Rooster (yeah, you're reading this right) called "The Little Red Henski of Moscow, USSR" comes to town. The Bolshevik Bird then gets (literally) on his soap box and agitates the chickens to go on strike against Alice and her cat! How does it all end? Trust me, it's even more bizarre than what I've described so far! If this all sounds crazy and outrageous in print, wait til you see it on film! You will pound the floor laughing at this one!

More info

Incubated eggs

Testing incubated eggs for embryo development

Sometimes it is necessary to test the incubated eggs for fertility. If large numbers of infertile eggs are incubated, they can be found and discarded, and the extra space used for additional eggs. This test will not injure the young embryos and is reliable for eliminating eggs that will not hatch.

Make a tester or candler by placing a light bulb and fixture inside a cardboard box. Cut a small, round hole in the top or side of the box, and let a narrow beam of light escape from the box. You can see the internal features of the egg by placing it against the hole. A darkened room makes testing easier.

The eggs are normally tested after 4 to 7 days of incubation. Eggs with white shells are easier to test and can be tested earlier than dark shelled eggs. Two classes of eggs can be removed on the basis of this early test, "infertiles" and "dead germs." "Infertile" refers to an unfertilized egg or an egg that started developing but died before growth could be detected. "Dead germs" refers to embryos that died after growing large enough to be seen when candled.

An "infertile" appears as a clear egg except for a slight shadow cast by the yolk. A live embryo is spider-like in appearance, with the embryo representing a spider's body and the large blood vessels spreading out much like a spider's legs. A "dead germ" can be distinguished by the presence of a blood ring around the embryo. This is caused by the movement of blood away from the embryo after death.
If you are not sure whether the embryo is alive, place the egg back in the incubator and retest later. A second test can be made after 14 to 16 days of incubation. If the embryo is living, only one or two small light spaces filled with blood vessels can be seen, and the chick may be observed moving.
Mississipi State University Extensive Service


Egg Fu (revisited)

Egg Fu is a giant Communist egg. He was created by Chinese sleeper agents for Darkseid. He was secretly transporting people to Apokolips. In his first public appearance, he attempted to kill Wonder Woman but was foiled. He later tried to reprogram the Metal Men to say 'Down With America' at a Pro-American Rally, but was stopped. It was recently revealed that Jonni D.C., Continuity Cop, fried him, so that he would not ruin her clean continuity.

More (wiki).


Dali - Velásquez

Salvador Dalí's "Velazquez Dying Behind the Window on the Left Side Out of Which a Spoon Projects", 1982


Here are some superstitions about eggs:

* witches lived in eggshells and made boats out of them, casting spells upon the household---so when you ate an egg, push your spoon through the bottom in the form of a cross.

* an egg laid by a white hen in a new nest on Easter day would cure pains in the head or stomach; if it was broken in a vineyard, it would protect the vineyard from hail; if it was broken in a field, it would protect the field from frost; whoever owned the egg would be able to see witches.

* an egg laid on Good Friday, thrown on the fire, would extinguish the fire.

* don't eat bluebirds' eggs: they will make you love to wander.

* don't eat mockingbirds’ eggs: they will make you tell everything you know.

* don't rob a killdee's nest and eat its eggs: you will break your arm

* if you eat a dove's egg, you will get bad luck.

* don't eat an egg of any bird with yellow feathers: you will get a fever.

* if you eat an owl's egg, you will always be shrieking.

* if you eat a crow's egg, you will laughing foolishly "ha-ha-ha".

* if you eat a partridge's egg, you will thrive and grow.

If a young girl wanted to "try her fortune": (advice in 1880)
Put an egg to the fire and sit for an hour. The wind will howl and the dogs bark, and the man you are to marry will come in and turn the egg around. If the eggs bursts, you will never marry.

* In Central Anatolia and Black Sea regions, the life span of a baby is determined by an egg yolk. During the first baby bath, an egg is broken under the cradle. If the egg yolk remains intact the following day, the baby is believed to have a long life ahead


Bread and Eggs

Bread and Eggs by Paul Cezanne

O Patinho Feio

Estava muito agradável no campo. O ar rescendia a Verão; o milho estava amarelo; a aveia estava pronta a ser ceifada; as medas de feno nos prados pareciam pequenas colinas de erva e a cegonha passeava por cima delas com as suas longas pernas vermelhas. A toda a volta dos campos havia bosques e florestas com fundos lagos de água fresca. Sim, estava mesmo muito agradável no campo. E, brilhando ao sol, podia ver-se uma velha mansão rodeada por um fosso. Grandes folhas de azedas cresciam nas paredes até à água; algumas eram tão grandes que uma criança podia ficar de pé debaixo delas. À sombra podia-se até pensar que se estava numa florestazinha secreta e primitiva.
Era aí que uma pata chocava os seus ovos no ninho. Porém, já estava a ficar bastante farta, porque os patinhos nunca mais apareciam; quanto a visitas, quase não as tinha; os outros patos preferiam nadar no fosso a ir ter com ela debaixo das grandes folhas para conversar.
Por fim, os ovos começaram a estalar, um a seguir ao outro.
— Pip, pip!
O ninho ficou cheio de avezinhas que deitavam as cabeças fora das cascas.
— Quac, quac! — disse a mãe. — Depressa, depressa! E as criaturinhas saíram o mais depressa que puderam e olharam à sua volta, no abrigo de folhas verdes; e a mãe deixou-as olhar à vontade, porque o verde faz bem aos olhos.
— Como o mundo é grande! — disseram os pequenos.
É claro que agora tinham muito mais espaço do que dentro dos ovos.
— Pensam que o mundo é só isto, seus patetas? — perguntou a mãe. — Ora! O mundo estende-se muito para além do outro lado do jardim, mesmo até ao campo do vigário. Embora, verdade seja dita, eu nunca tenha lá estado. Já cá estão todos, não estão? — Levantou-se do ninho. — Não, tu ainda não. Ainda falta o ovo maior. Quanto tempo demorará ainda? Estou mesmo farta disto, se querem saber.
E lá tornou a deitar-se.

— Bem, que tal vão as coisas? — perguntou uma velha pata que veio visitá-la.
— Este ovo está a demorar um tempo horrível — disse a mãe pata. — Não há meio de estalar! Mas olhe para os outros! São os patinhos mais bonitos que já vi, tal e qual o pai, aquela peste, que nunca vem visitar-me!
— Deixe lá ver o ovo — disse a velha pata. — Ah! Acredite no que lhe digo, isso é um ovo de peru. Uma vez aconteceu-me a mesma coisa e nem calcula o trabalho que tive com os miúdos! Como eram perus, tinham medo da água, e não consegui metê-los lá. Deixe ver. É, é um ovo de peru. Deixe-o ficar e vá ensinar os outros a nadar.
— Bem, vou aguentar um pouco mais — respondeu a pata. — Já aqui estou há tanto tempo que mais vale acabar o trabalho.
— Está bem, faça como quiser — respondeu a velha pata, e foi-se embora.
Por fim, o grande ovo estalou.
—Pip, pip! — disse o jovem, saindo cá para fora.
Mas que grande e que feio que ele era! A mãe olhou para ele.
— Que grande patinho! (Continue a ler...)

“Art Eggcident”

One more great eggs-ample of food art!
This piece, called “Art Eggcident”, was created by artist Henk Hofstra, and the Wooster Collective in May 2008.

Each egg is about 100 feet wide, and they were spread out in one of the largest squares in Leeuwarden (The Nethelands), called Zaailand, where they were walked on for six months.

The larger eggs are completely flat, but the smaller ones have a three dimensional ‘yolk’.

Diana Eid of Inventor Spot said that this environmental art project was just made for Google Earth.

Globus Egg Workstation

You know what it’s like; you go to work just to face that boring work cubicle what that boring desk. Well designer Michael Van Der Kley has ideas to make your work environment better, featuring the Globus Egg Workstation.

We have seen these types of chairs before; well I remember seeing one just like it in Men in Black. But by adding a table opposite helps to make the workstation a work-of-art. The chair rotates and the table top pulls out. The Globus Egg Workstation is on castors, this helps you to roll your table to any place you want too.

Hunwick’s Egg

Hunwick’s Egg is the story of an old bandicoot that finds an egg after a storm. Hunwick takes care of the egg and forms a friendship with it. The egg doesn’t hatch and the bandicoot soon comes to realize that the egg is really a rock and that is just fine with him.


Battle on the breackfast table

It’s early in the morning..
After having been for a dip, the egg quietly prepares for another day. But suddenly, from the end of the table, an army of bread soldiers starts to approach. The model soldiers, fearing for the safety of their egg, close in. They’re working hard to protect the egg but one after another, the bread soldiers just keep coming….
How will it end?
Reiko Kaneko is a cool artist who makes these awesome little boiled egg holders - Egg Soldier Cup. The little knife-wielding soldiers will protect your precious egg no matter what! It's great for kids with lots of siblings who tend to steal their breakfast. Or, for artsy people who appreciate a little humor while they're satiating their boiled egg craving in the middle of the night.

And for those of you who can't make a perfect boiled egg to save your life, there's the microwave egg boiler and the multitasking electric egg boiler.

Ovos, perdão Ases pelos ares

Hot Shots ! Trailer
Jim Abrahams, 1991

Salvador Dali & Gala Born From An Egg


There is a growing effort to improve the condition of chickens in factory farming operations.
Look for the following labels on the eco-friendly eggs you buy:

- Free-range eggs are from chickens that have room to move and are fed outside.

- Grain-fed eggs come from chickens that are fed a diet close to their natural diet instead of uncertain meat by-products. Omega oils are in all eggs , but grain fed chickens will have a higher percentage if they are fed flax seeds.

- Organic eggs are grown in a certified organic chicken farm without antibiotics, hormones or pesticides.


Charming Snow White Musical Egg

Swept into the loving and protective arms of her beloved prince, Snow White is the epitome of kindness and charm in Disney's beloved film. The kiss from the handsome prince that revives Snow White and thrills the Seven Dwarfs is a sweeping cinematic scene that will never be forgotten! Now, Snow White receives a grand and royal tribute at the center of a collectible Disney music box, a Peter Carl Faberge style Snow White musical egg that shimmers with platinum accents, 4 Swarovski crystals, and more than 100 sparkling faux hand-set jewels.
Capture this moment of royal enchantment in an exquisite limited-edition Heirloom Porcelain®Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs collectible music box from Ardleigh Elliott. This stunning Disney Princess collectible even plays the movie melody of "Some Day My Prince Will Come." Strong demand is expected and you won't want to miss the chance to own this collectible Disney music box. Order now!

Not so famous movie quotes on EGGs

Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955) {Conversation Over a Corpse (#2.8)}
Alfred Hitchcock: I cannot abide careless cookery. Let me see. I've, uh, I've just added 10 cc's of sugar. All that is left is to add the white of one egg. And by the white, I do not refer to the clear gelatinous substance inside. Naturally, I mean the shell. This is where most amateur cooks make their mistakes. While you are waiting for me to finish, I suggest you turn your attention to tonight's story. It is called "Conversation Over a Corpse." It sounds like perfect dinner conversation.

The Addams Family, (1992)
Gomez Addams: Race you to the swamp, last one there's a fresh egg.

Alice (1976) {Sex Education (#1.7)}
Mel Sharples: 500 million... 500 million. You girls have one little egg. One little egg! We have you beat 500 million to one!

Batman (1966)
Egghead: Woe is me, my criminal career is now egg-stinct!

Boy Meets World (1993)
Cory: The first sperm to reach the egg wins. It gets a medal, it's born, ya name 'em "Cory", ya push 'em out the door, and nothing makes sense for the rest of his life.

Coupling (2000)
Howard: [trying to explain to Jane that he's gay] Jane! [shouts] I am gay! And I've always, always been gay! I was the sperm at the back shouting "No! Don't send me into that big scary cave!" I was the only sperm who had to be chased by the egg. Don't you get it? I'm gay.

Ovos de dinossáurio

Dinosaur eggs have been known for thousands of years, although at first they were not recognised as 'dinosaur eggs' and were used for jewellery and shaping ornaments. Many eggshells were found in late Palaeolithic or early Neolithic sites in Mongolia.

The first real discovery of dinosaur eggshell was in 1859 from southern France, by Jean Jacques Pouech. The French eggs were thought to belong to giant birds at first, because of their large size. More complete eggs were found in 1869 by Matheron. He thought these eggs belonged to a giant crocodile. In 1877 Paul Gervais (1816-79) published the first detailed study of the eggs, and suggested that they could belong to a dinosaur. They are now known to have been laid by the sauropod dinosaur Hypselosaurus.

In 1923 the Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History made significant new discoveries in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Roy Chapman Andrews found the first recognised dinosaur nests. The eggs were thought at that time to belong to Protoceratops but are now known to belong to Oviraptor.



Light bulbs like eggs

Diego Velásquez - "Vieja Friendo Huevos"

Pintado por Diego Velásquez em 1618, o quadro "Vieja Friendo Huevos" está em exibição na National Gallery, em Edimburgo.

The Egg Backpack

It all starts with the egg! We have put together a great bag for both mother and child, made from all natural hemp canvas and suede hemp. It may be one of the world's oldest fabrics, dating back to 8,000 BC. It was grown by numerous farmers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It's one of the strongest and most durable of all natural fabrics and is a fast growing crop. It leaves the soil in excellent condition for any other crop and is naturally resistant to mold. Our bag comes with padded straps, loads of pockets, a non-leaching poly-carbonate water bottle and key fob. A changing pad is also available.
Buy it here.

Big Sunday Breakfast

Womans Day; September 1948.


Prenda de S. Valentim

Surpreenda a sua cara metade com estas bonitas ... bem.... qualquer coisa em forma de ovo.

Compre aqui ... ou não...

La gallina, de Lorca

[...] ¡Da risa considerar lo simpáticas que son las gallinas! Todas tienen cresta. Todas tienen culo. Todas ponen huevos. ¿Y qué me vais a decir?

La gallina idiota odiaba los huevos. Le gustaban los gallos, es cierto, como les gusta a las manos derechas de las personas esas picaduras de las zarzas o la iniciación del alfilerazo. Pero ella odiaba su propio huevo. Y sin embargo no hay nada más hermoso que un huevo.

Recién sacado de las espigas, todavía caliente, es la perfección de la boca, el párpado y el lóbulo de la oreja. La mejilla caliente de la que acaba de morir. Es el rostro. ¿No lo entendéis? Yo sí. Lo dicen los cuentos japoneses, y algunas mujeres ignorantes también lo saben.

No quiero defender la belleza enjuta del huevo, pero ya que todo el mundo alaba la pulcritud del espejo y la alegría de los que se revuelcan en la hierba, bien está que yo defienda un huevo contra una gallina idiota. [...]

Frederico García Lorca
La gallina - Cuento para niños tontos

(Versão integral aqui)

Happy Valentine's Day

Egg Confetti for Valentine's

"Each clean eggshell is painted then filled with confetti. The hole where the the egg is filled is covered with a round of pink tissue (for the pink eggs) or red tissue (for the red eggs).

Follow these steps to surprise your Valentine with a cascaron shower:

1. Hide the egg behind your back.

2. Approach your Valentine.

3. Lift your hand about 2 inches above your Valentine's head. Crush the cascaron in your hand, letting the confetti and eggshell drop on your Valentine's head.

4. Rub the eggshell and confetti on your Valentine's head.

Warning: you can't crack just one! Once you start, it is hard to stop!

The eggs are carefully packed to avoid breakage during shipping."