House your hens in style

A modern chicken coop that looks more like sculpture. The nogg transcends ideas of what a chicken house usually looks like. It is designed to encourage domestic farming while adding a touch of playful elegance.
Egg, Serpent and Fire
Photo by Waldemar Horwat, in Nevada Magazine
The Serpent Mother is a sculpture of a skeletal serpent coiled around and protecting her egg. Propane fueled flame effects light up the top of each vertebra. Six foot high jets of flame shoot from each vertebra when participants push buttons near the base of the sculpture or by computer control. The neck and jaw are operated by pneumatic cylinders. The top of the arch of her back is 6 m off the ground. Each of her teeth is lit from within by fire and her underbelly is lit by undulating computer controlled LEDs. The egg has a finely worked copper shell. It opens and shoots colored liquid methanol flame effects. The whole piece burns approximately 2 tons of propane per evening.
Over a hundred people at a time can stand inside the area enclosed by her curving body, being kept warm and entertained by the fires burning around them.
Over a hundred people at a time can stand inside the area enclosed by her curving body, being kept warm and entertained by the fires burning around them.
Flaming Lotus Girls is a collaborative art group that creates large-scale fire art, founded in 2000 by artits working on a sculpture for the Burning Man Arts Festival in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada.
Egg in Uterus

[...] De Conceptu et Generatione Hominis (1554), by Jacob Rueff, represents the continuation of the Aristotelian-Thomist view of the male seed causing the mother's blood to coagulate in the uterus,the Aristotelian theory of the male semen and the female blood coagulum in the uterus.
The uterus first appears to be filled with the menstrual blood upon which the semen progressively acts, building up the vessels and shaping the body's organs. After approximately forty or ninety days (male and female conceptus, respectively), the fœtus appears as formatus . [...] More details
Jacob Rueff (c. 1500-1558) was a surgeon and obstetrician in Zurich.
His treatise on human generation is first published in German in 1553 before being translated into latin in 1554 : ""De conceptu et generatione hominis et iis quae circa haec potissimum consyderantur libri sex", Tiguri : Fraschoverus, 1554.
His treatise on human generation is first published in German in 1553 before being translated into latin in 1554 : ""De conceptu et generatione hominis et iis quae circa haec potissimum consyderantur libri sex", Tiguri : Fraschoverus, 1554.
L'Art et l'Œuf
Quelques photos de l'exposition L'art et l'Œuf au
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Marcel Dessal,
du 27 mars 2010 au 03 octobre 2010 (Dreux)
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Marcel Dessal,
du 27 mars 2010 au 03 octobre 2010 (Dreux)

Les visites tactiles dans les musées sont habituellement réservées au non-voyants. Mais au Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Marcel Dessal, tous les publics peuvent vivre à cette étonnante expérience. Privés de leurs yeux, les visiteurs ont tout le loisir de toucher et caresser les œuvres.
Visionnez une telle visite tactile.19.9.10
Egg on Derby
Theme of the derby #158 on shirt.woot! : physics
The natural world's a pretty incredible place. There are things like oceans, mountains, planets, stars, and black holes; and they're all moving to an unseen rhythm: electromagnetism, gravity, fusion, and all kinds of other mind-boggling physical forces. When you think about it, it's a miracle we're able just to make into work without spontaneously combusting. So for this Derby pay homage to the forces that shape our universe.
Crashes !
sans casser des œufs
La nouvelle campagne de sensibilisation pour la sécurité routière à l’initiative du gouvernement Néo-Zélandais ne manque pas d’imagination. Intitulée Right Car, cette campagne se compose d’une série de spots mettant en scène des œufs pour incarner les conducteurs et leur fragilité sur la route.
L’accroche est plutôt éloquente « don’t be an egg, choose safety first ». La tonalité décomplexée et humoristique de ces spots ne fait pourtant pas oublier la violence du choc, incarné dans l’explosion des œufs confrontés à l’impact. Plus sur le site http://safety.rightcar.govt.nz/
Vu sur Daydream (via Ypsilon, Brasil).
The War of the Eggs

By L.F. Willard.
Yankee Magazine13.9.10
Egg Handle
ODM's Egg
Péché de Gourmandise
Préparation 20 mn - Cuisson 2 mn
Les ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) :
12 œufs de caille
50 g d'œufs de lump noirs ou d'avruga
20 cl de crème liquide entière
2 cuillères à café de raifort râpé
Mettre les œufs de caille à cuire non pas 2 mn, c'est trop mais 1 mn 50 s, à l'eau bouillante. Les rafraîchir et les écaler avec précaution, le jaune devant rester liquide.
Battre la crème en chantilly avec le raifort et répartir dans 4 verres. Déposer 3 œufs de caille par verre et réserver au frais.
Pour servir déposer une cuillère d'œufs de lump. et déguster très frais à la petite cuillère.
Battre la crème en chantilly avec le raifort et répartir dans 4 verres. Déposer 3 œufs de caille par verre et réserver au frais.
Pour servir déposer une cuillère d'œufs de lump. et déguster très frais à la petite cuillère.
Péché de gourmandise
Cow Egg
Marjorie is an insecure cow who wishes she had some special talent. She can't ride a bicycle or do handstands like the other cows. Then one morning (thanks to a bunch of scheming chickens and a paintbrush), Marjorie is astonished to discover something extraordinary : shes laid an egg !
Des Œufs de Velazquez

Diego Velazquez, 1618
Huile sur toile
National Gallery of Scotland, Édimbourg
Eggs Can Swim !

How it looks :
You drop an egg into a glass of water and ask the audience, “Can anyone make this egg float to the top of the glass? With a pinch of magic potion and some magic words, I will show you how to teach an egg to swim!”
You take out a plastic bag and take a pinch of “magic potion” from it. You sprinkle a few grains of magic potion into the glass while stirring it with your finger. “Now, for the magic incantation. From the depth of this glass filled to the brim, wake up little egg, it is time to swim!” The egg rises to the top due to the stirring, but sinks back to the bottom of the glass.
You add a spoonful more of the magic potion, stir the glass and say the magic words again, louder this time, “From the depth of this glass filled to the brim, wake up little egg, it is time to swim!!” Again, the egg rises and then falls back down.
You pour the rest of the bag of potion into the water, stir and scream out, “Swim! Swim!! Swim!!!” This time the egg rises to the top and stays there even after the water stops stirring. You smile and say, “Sometimes it just takes a bit of egg-couragement.”
What you need :
• A clear glass of room temperature water (just large enough for an egg to rest on the bottom of the glass)
• 1 egg
• Salt (6-10 tablespoons or 90-150 mL)
• Small bag or container (non-transparent – something that you can’t see through)
• Tablespoon
• Adult helper
How it works :
You take out a plastic bag and take a pinch of “magic potion” from it. You sprinkle a few grains of magic potion into the glass while stirring it with your finger. “Now, for the magic incantation. From the depth of this glass filled to the brim, wake up little egg, it is time to swim!” The egg rises to the top due to the stirring, but sinks back to the bottom of the glass.
You add a spoonful more of the magic potion, stir the glass and say the magic words again, louder this time, “From the depth of this glass filled to the brim, wake up little egg, it is time to swim!!” Again, the egg rises and then falls back down.
You pour the rest of the bag of potion into the water, stir and scream out, “Swim! Swim!! Swim!!!” This time the egg rises to the top and stays there even after the water stops stirring. You smile and say, “Sometimes it just takes a bit of egg-couragement.”
What you need :
• A clear glass of room temperature water (just large enough for an egg to rest on the bottom of the glass)
• 1 egg
• Salt (6-10 tablespoons or 90-150 mL)
• Small bag or container (non-transparent – something that you can’t see through)
• Tablespoon
• Adult helper
How it works :
The “magic potion” is just salt hidden in the plastic bag. When you add salt to the water, you make it heavier, or more dense, than the egg. This is why the egg floats. With a bit of experimenting, you can add just enough salt to make the egg float halfway up the glass.
Did you know…
If the egg floats before you add salt to the water, it may not be a fresh egg.
When an egg is first laid, it is warm. As it cools, the contents contract (shrink) and form an air pocket at the large end of the egg. As the egg ages, this air pocket grows in size (air replaces gases that escape through the egg’s pores), making a “lighter” egg that floats!
From Alberta Egg Producers.
Adopting an Egg
And tango makes three, 2005
P. Parnell adn J. Richardson
Illustration: H. Cole.
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Illustration: H. Cole.
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Age: 4-8
A children's book about an orphaned penguin egg given to two males in the Central Park Zoo who adopt the egg and raise the baby as their own.
The book is based on the true story of Roy and Silo, two male Chinstrap Penguins in New York's Central Park Zoo. The book follows the six years of their life where they formed a couple and were given an egg to raise.
The book has won many awards but also been at the center of numerous censorship and culture war debates on same-sex marriage, adoption and homosexuality in animals. The ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom of reports that And Tango Makes Three was the most challenged book of 2006 to 2009 (wiki).
Reasons are : anti-ethnic, anti-family, homosexuality, religious viewpoint, and unsuited to age group.
"We wrote the book to help parents teach children about same-sex parent families. It's no more an argument in favor of human gay relationships than it is a call for children to swallow their fish whole or sleep on rocks."
Justin Richardson, New York Times (2005).
Justin Richardson, New York Times (2005).
Look at this video !
Everything From the Egg

- detail -
From William Harvey, by Richard Gaywwod
Writen on the frontispiece of "De generatione animalium" (1651) :
Exercitationes de generatione animalium. Quibus accedunt quaedam de partu : de membranis ac humoribus uteri & et conceptione
London : William Dugard, for Octavian PulleynThe Aristotelian William Harvey is most famous for discovering the circulation of blood, but his work on reproduction was important too. He opposed earlier theorists who believed human life began with a seed produced by the male. Harvey theorized that all life came from eggs : not only for birds, but also for mammals. Because the microscope had not yet been invented, he had no way to prove his theory, but he became famous for the dictum "Ex ovo omnia" ("all from the egg").
The engraved frontispiece of his treatise "On the generation of living creatures" - detail above - shows Zeus (Jupiter) opening an egg and releasing all forms of life into the world (humans, other animals and plants) and so drew on earlier representations of Pandora’s mythical box.
The engraved frontispiece of his treatise "On the generation of living creatures" - detail above - shows Zeus (Jupiter) opening an egg and releasing all forms of life into the world (humans, other animals and plants) and so drew on earlier representations of Pandora’s mythical box.
Théâtre d'objets, de Marie Gaultier et Nathalie Gallard
A partir de 5 ans
La compagnie angevine Piment Langue d’Oiseau s’est interrogée sur la société de consommation.
D’un petit jouet à peine visible sur la scène, sorti d’un petit œuf jaune lui-même sorti d’un œuf en chocolat, « Omelette » raconte un combat contre… le vide. Le plus important, ce n’est pas l’œuf, mais le neuf, la nouveauté, la surprise. Le plaisir ne dure pas longtemps. Le neuf devient rapidement vieux et appelle à la quête d’un nouvel œuf, puis d’un autre. De chacun sort un objet qui, une fois découvert, devient vite banal et inutile. Les coquilles s’amoncellent, les objets, minuscules et dérisoires, aussi. L’ennui s’installe… puis reviennent les rêves.
D’un petit jouet à peine visible sur la scène, sorti d’un petit œuf jaune lui-même sorti d’un œuf en chocolat, « Omelette » raconte un combat contre… le vide. Le plus important, ce n’est pas l’œuf, mais le neuf, la nouveauté, la surprise. Le plaisir ne dure pas longtemps. Le neuf devient rapidement vieux et appelle à la quête d’un nouvel œuf, puis d’un autre. De chacun sort un objet qui, une fois découvert, devient vite banal et inutile. Les coquilles s’amoncellent, les objets, minuscules et dérisoires, aussi. L’ennui s’installe… puis reviennent les rêves.
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