
Egg laying duck

Somehow this male duck is laying eggs, but ignore his confusion and let him delight you by scooting around and laying three little blue eggs. If you're still craving more of this plucky duck, simply reload the eggs in his back, wind him up, and he'll do it again for hours of entertainment. And when this little duck is done, he still makes a cute knick knack for your desk or windowsill! (ModCloth)


Les Œufs Carrés de Pif Gadget

Couverture du n°2 de Pif Gadget, septembre 2004

En 2004, une nouvelle série mensuelle de Pif Gadget est lancée. Le deuxième numéro offre de quoi créer des « œufs cubiques », un gadget du plus du célèbre magazine.
On y retrouve plusieurs des séries phare de l'âge d'or du magazine: Pif et Hercule chaque mois, mais aussi, ponctuellement, Docteur Justice, Placid et Muzo, Léo le léopard, ou encore Rahan.

La couverture nous annonce « Fais des œufs carrés ! ». A-t-on droit à nouveau à « la machine qui fait des œufs carrés »? Non ! Le gadget représente une poule prédécoupée à assembler...

Le gadget se monte assez facilement et rapidement, il ne vous reste plus qu'à trouver un œuf, le faire cuire, l'insérer dans le corps de votre poule - une fois la coquille enlevée - et à placer le tout dans un frigidaire. 15 à 20 minutes plus tard, l'œuf est bel et bien cubique !

Rappelons que c'est Pif Gadget, créé en février 1969, qui a permis de découvrir en France un monument de la BD : Corto MALTESE d’Hugo PRATT.

Egg laying alarm clock

Este despertador "canta" como um galo para despertar você, mas bota ovinhos como galinha. Para desligar o irritante canto, é preciso recolocar os ovos (todos os 5), senão nada feito! Mas até dá para entender o lamento do pobre galo. (The design town)


Comment Fabrique-t-on une Poule ?

Livre de Christian Camara, Claudine Gaston
Illustrations de Gilles Macagno
Editions Ellipses

Peut- être avez-vous tenté en revenant du marché de conserver délicatement un ou deux œufs à 37 °C ? Vous en étiez sûr, avec leur label « A.B. », un poussin en sortirait 21 jours plus tard. Seulement, ça n’a pas marché...
Alors comment fabrique-t-on une poule ? Manifestement, la solution vous échappe mais après ce livre, les secrets de fabrication du vivant, cellules, ADN, gènes, développement, nutrition, respiration, reproduction n’auront plus rien de mystérieux.
Rassurez-vous, ce n’est pas difficile, d’autant que les grands noms de la science, dont une brochette de prix Nobel, viendront à la rescousse.
En bonus, vous aurez (enfin !) la réponse à la question: qui de l’œuf ou de la poule…

Bubble Gum Fairy Eggs

Ever wondered where fairies come from? Well, we’ve got your answer. Each precious fairy is hatched from a tiny speckled egg just like a bird. Very few fairies actually get to hatch though, because their eggs happen to be one of the tastiest treats known to man or mythical beast. These Fairy Eggs have been freshly harvested and come in assorted fruity flavors. Each 3" x 3" x 1" tin contains twenty-five bubble gum eggs. Buy here.


Egg and horns

Egg Of Wind

The Egg of Wind, Tsukuda-Tokyo (Toyo Ito, 1991)

The egg is covered with 248 drilled panels of aluminium. At night, the object is transformed. It lets appear video images thrown on 5 liquid crystal displays placed inside the egg. These video images are live diffused or pre-registered to give an outline of announcements or informations. This night-conversion is regrettably no more active today.


Egg creatures

Egg Apricot

Effet "œuf sur le plat et poivre du moulin" garanti !!!
Très beau dessert trouvé ici.

C’est un dessert facile à faire. Le visuel plaît beaucoup aux enfants.

Ingrédients pour 4 petits gâteaux :

• 60 g d’abricots en conserve
• 45 g de farine blanche
• 20 g de farine complète
• 1/2 cuillère à café de levure
• 1/2 cuillère à café de bicarbonate
• 1/2 cuillère à café de cannelle en poudre
• 1 œuf
• 20 g de sucre roux
• 20 ml d’huile de tournesol
• 1 yaourt Fjord (fromage frais battu et crémeux)
• Graines de pavot.

Préparation :
- Préchauffez le four Th 6 et graissez 4 ramequins (ou moules à muffin).
- Egoutez les abricots, réservez 4 oreillons et coupez le reste en petits dés.
- Mélangez les deux farines, la levure, le bicarbonate, la cannelle.
- Dans un autre saladier, battez l’œuf, avec le sucre et ajoutez l’huile, la moitié du Fjord et les dés d’abricots.
- Conservez au frais le reste de Fjord.
- Ajoutez les farines.
- Remplir les ramequins et enfournez pour 25 minutes.
- Démoulez et laissez refroidir.
- Nappez du reste de Fjord les petits gâteaux et posez dessus un oreillon d’abricot.
- Saupoudrez l’abricot de quelques graines de pavot.


Ovos políticos

Los priístas atacaron con manzanas… los panistas respondieron con huevos.
De ese talante están los tiempos en el Congreso del Estado, en donde el tema Valle de Reyes ha dado para todo, menos para un debate. Felipe Enríquez abre el fuego…(continua)


O Ovo Clarividente

Esta prática deve ser feita na noite de São João, ou seja, de 23 para 24 de Junho.
A pessoa que quiser conhecer a sua sorte, deverá, durante a fria noite de São João, deixar um Ovo de galinha dentro de um copo d'água, que deverá apanhar todo o sereno da noite.
Pela manhã, quando a pessoa que o colocou fôr vê-lo, a sorte estará claramente descrita no interior do copo.

O Livro de São Cipriano



Egg resort

Um hotel de luxo em formato de ovo, repleto de inovações ecológicas. É o que propõe o escritório de arquitetura norte-americano Michael Rosenthal Associates para a cidade de Miami.


Um ovo para Matemática


Have you ever heard the expression, “It’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk?” In this trick, you will learn how to harness the power of the sun to cook an egg.

On a hot summer day, bet a friend that you can cook an egg without a stove or microwave.
If it is hot enough (warmer than 35º C), you can break an egg directly on the sidewalk and it should cook within a few minutes. If it is not this hot, you can still cook an egg by creating a solar energy catcher to intensify the sun’s cooking power.
What you need: ...


Natural Blue Eggs

Eggs of Wood Trush
Photo by G.K. Peck

Eco Egg Washing Machine

The Eco Egg Washing Machine will delicately handle even your most fragile, lacey underthings, using “gentle agitation” in lieu of the traditional agitator. It’s been around since 2003, but Shiny Shiny covered it and I couldn’t resist


Golf de chocolate

Wall Street Lays an Egg

After the 1929 October 24, 28 and 29 market crash, the weekly entertainment industry magazine Variety (on October 30) published its most famous ever headline: "Wall Street Lays an Egg."


The easter dog

This holiday fabric collar is available in 2 colors. The first collar option features adorable colored Easter eggs across the center of the collar against a pink background.

Eggs in Sport - Golf

Natural Egg Flowers

Poached Egg Flower
Limnanthes douglasii

Fried Egg Flower
Romneya coulteri

Plumeria celandine


OVO - Cirque du Soleil

OVO is a headlong rush into a colourful ecosystem teeming with life, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. The insects' home is a world of biodiversity and beauty filled with noisy action and moments of quiet emotion.
When a mysterious egg appears in their midst, the insects are awestruck and intensely curious about this iconic object that represents the enigma and cycles of their lives.
It’s love at first sight when a gawky, quirky insect arrives in this bustling community and a fabulous ladybug catches his eye – and the feeling is mutual.

OVO is overflowing with contrasts. The hidden, secret world at our feet is revealed as tender and torrid, noisy and quiet, peaceful and chaotic. And as the sun rises on a bright new day the vibrant cycle of insect life begins anew.


L'Œuf qui fait "Coucou"

LA boîte à coucou...

Cette vidéo est extraite d'une séquence des "Guignols de l'info", parodie très populaire diffusée sur une chaîne privée française par l'intermédiaire de marionnettes, émission qui fête ses 20 ans ! ils y sont tous passés ! Politiques, sportifs, stars...
La "boîte à coucou" est une petite boîte de forme cubique à reconnaissance vocale. Lorsque l'on prononce le mot "coucou" à proximité, un mécanisme provoquant l'ouverture du couvercle, l'apparition d'un œuf et l'émission d'un "coucou" sonore. Et ça marche encore mieux en disant "ah que coucou" !
L'utilisation de la boîte à coucou provoque généralement l'hilarité de son inventeur (Johnny Hallyday) et l'exaspération du présentateur Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, présentateur du journal d'information d'une chaîne de télévision française.

Ovo de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades


N' "Os Maias"

"Felizmente estavam chegando à Porcalhota. O seu vivo desejo seria comer o famoso coelho guisado mas, como era cedo para esse acepipe, decidiu-se, depois de pensar muito, por uma bela pratada de ovos com chouriço. Era uma coisa que não provava havia anos, e que lhe daria a sensação de estar na aldeia... Quando o patrão, com um ar importante e como fazendo um favor, pousou sobre a mesa sem toalha a enorme travessa com o petisco, Cruges esfregou as mãos, achando aquilo deliciosamente campestre. A gente em Lisboa estraga a saúde! - disse ele, puxando para o prato uma montanha de ovos e chouriço."

Eça de Queirós, Os Maias (1888)


Stop eggs absorption !


Freeze dried, scrambled-egg mix, flavored with real bacon.
Stand-up pouch creates an easy way to cook and eat your meal; made from high-barrier foil, the pouch keeps your meal hot.
Just add boiling water and enjoy an egg breakfast in only minutes.
Contains MSG for flavor enhancement.
Nutrition facts displayed here and on packaging may differ; information on packaging reflects actual contents.
Get 10% off when you buy any 12 full-price freeze-dried food items

Ingredients: freeze dried precooked scrambled eggs: (whole eggs, egg yolks, nonfat dry milk, modified corn starch, corn oil, salt, yeast extact, sunflower oil and smoke flavor, xanthan gum). bacon: bacon (cured with water, salt, sugar, sodium phosphates, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite), and smoke flavor Contains: eggs, milk.
Buy it from Amazom.com or REI.


Egg Trick

The egg trick, David Devant

Dan North studies the interactions between stage magic and early cinema.
So, what is lost and gained when a magic trick is filmed? How do magic films compensate for the loss of liveness? First of all, there are two types of magic film – the first is when a trick is recorded “whole”, with a fixed camera and no camera tricks. See, for example, David Devant in The Egg-Laying Man, a brief record of one of the Egyptian Hall stalwart’s oldest tricks, plucking a succession of eggs from his own mouth. It’s a bit of sleight of hand, and while it’s clear that Devant is skilfully performing the illusion in real-time, he could easily have re-recorded it if something had gone wrong or if an ill-chosen camera angle had given away the secret at the first take.
For more...

Marketing na cozinha - o ovo perfeito

Cientistas noruegueses oferecem uma ferramenta online para cozinhar o ovo perfeito: com a gema exatamente no ponto em que você gosta. (Clique aqui)
As opções estão em norueguês, mas se as imagens não ajudarem aqui vai uma rápida tradução:
Primeira opção: O perímetro, a circunferência do ovo (multiplique o diâmetro por pi)
Segunda opção: Se você quer seu ovo com a gema dura (hard), mais ou menos (middels) ou mole (bløtt).
Terceira opção: A temperatura inicial do ovo.
Quarta opção: A sua altitude, em metros.


Cosmic Egg

Artist: Monos
The Cosmic Egg is one of the most important symbols of the creation myth and can be traced to several cultures. In the Egyptian myth, for example, the god Geb was associated with the goose that laid the Cosmic Egg out of which all life emerged.
In this interpretation, the Egg was created – you could compare it to the womb – from chaos (the universe).
When the egg breaks open the powers of creation are released.
In this painting, the artist chose a playful combination of young wild animals, who together with children form two of the most vulnerable groups in this world.


Echidnas and the Platypus are the only egg-laying mammals, known as monotremes.