
Eggshell Sculptures and Carvings

Trinity Celtic Cross
(chicken egg in goose egg)

Just enter in the fabulous and surprising Alan V. Robon's world... a really great collection of egg-sculptures. He works on all sorts of eggs: emu, chicken, rhea, duck, quail, ostrich, turkey.

"Puzzle egg" and "Zebra pattern" (goose eggs)

"Curley ques" and "String thing" (goose eggs)

Rose Pharoah (quail egg)

Master Egg Carver and Sculptor, Alan W. Rabon provides the unique and rare talent of sculping actual eggs into works of art. He loves the challenge of seeing how much he can create while keeping the integrity of the egg intact. He is also a highly accomplished painter, jewelry designer and muralist that has been recognized by the White House, and much more...
Alan W. Rabon is teaching classes on eggshell carving in conjonction with his egg art exhibit, at the Harris Arts Center in Calhoun, Georgia.

He explains and shows its Art on this VIDEO.

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