
Blue & Yellow Egg iPad Skins

Egg Beater
Designed by Zinodaur

Balanced Breakfast in Blue
Designed by Alice Gosling

Both are available for iPods & iPhones cases and skins, pillows...


L'Œuf de Pluie

L’œuf de pluie
Albert Uriet
Mame, 1938
série 602, disparaît en 1940
Album Mame de l'entre-deux guerres

Dans le cadre de l’appel à projets 2007 de l’Agence nationale de la recherche, une équipe de chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines (histoire économique et sociale, histoire de l’édition, histoire de l’art, littérature) s’est constituée afin d’étudier la production pour la jeunesse de la maison d’édition Mame, fondée à Tours en 1779.

D’abord spécialisée dans l’édition religieuse, la maison a tiré parti des lois scolaires des années 1830-1880 pour développer une très importante production de livres de prix et d’ouvrages pour la jeunesse. C’est cette édition enfantine – imagiers, abécédaires, albums, contes illustrés – qu’une exposition virtuelle permet de découvrir aujourd’hui.



Bosschère's Eggs

The Eggs running along

The banquet began. [...]
Certainly it was a most splendid feast ; and as to the service, as one sees, it was conducted in a very novel fashion. Such was a banquet in this country, though on more ordinary occasions the Wigs had to go to their provisions instead of the provisions coming to them.

The Hen

     The Hen seemed very agitated by the Fish's words, and began to work harder than ever.
     She wore a peruke like all the Wigs, and an infinite number of skirts made of butter muslin. She looked at the clock, for the big hand had stopped at two, whereas the little hand was at the hour of three. While she gazed at it the left foot of the Historian shot out and brought the little hand round to six o'clock.
     At once the Hen started rolling out six yellow balls upon her pasteboard. These she wrapped up in a white crust and then hid them in the pockets of her skirts and sat upon them, while she made fourteen more eggs out of the white and yellow paste.
     "The little hand must be to ask for six hard-boiled eggs," whispered Redy to Smaly. [...]

In The City Curious, writen and illustrated by Jean de Bosschère, W. Heinemann and Dodd, Mead & Company, 1920.

Read here
Illustrations here


The Egg Keepers

Aaron Springgs, a member of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science staff, holding an extinct Elephant Bird († Aepyornis maximus) egg from Madagascar. This egg is the biggest egg ever known to have been laid, even including dinosaur eggs.


Egg Dancing

Egg Dancing
Liz Jensen
Overlook Press, 1996

Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010

Moira Sugden and her daughters Hazel and Linda are disunited by the self-inflicted wounds of family, and cornered by sex, God and medication into varying states of delusion. But when Hazel makes frightening discoveries about her husband’s scientific mission to create the Perfect Baby, they join forces - with painfully hilarious results…

"An assured, hilarious and insightful novel ... propelled along by the comic rhythm of the writing, you’re carried on a crazy journey you won’t be sorry you took’ Time Out."


Egg Russian Roulette

Jimmy Fallon and Tom Cruise take turns smashing eggs on their heads. Some are hard boiled, some are not.


iPhone Egg Painter

Imagine your easter egg as an object floating in the real world. Your iPhone becomes a movable Wwndow that allows you to see and paint all sides of your Egg from every possible point of view.

Magic 3D Easter Egg Painter App.