Egg Mice

What you need:
1 Egg
1 Black olive
1 Radish
2 Fresh chives
1 Tiny Swiss cheese wedge
How to do:
Up to you ! Easy !
Seen here.
L'Œuf et l'Homme Nouveau
(huile sur toile 46 x 52 cm - 1943)
Regardez ce qui est dessiné sur l'œuf.
Regardez ce qui coule de la coquille.
Regardez où est posée la main de l'homme qui sort de l'œuf.
Colour Changing Egg
Cordless battery LED light.
Changes from red to blue to green,and lasts 6-8 hours on batteries supplied.
9.5 cm high
Buy here.
Changes from red to blue to green,and lasts 6-8 hours on batteries supplied.
9.5 cm high

EggSpace is a popular meeting place at the heart of Liverpool's culture, providing a platform for all emerging artists and art groups.
The current exhibition is "Winter blues 4" (02.12.09 - 10.01.10)
Pó de casca de ovo

Sabe aquelas cascas de ovos que sobram quando você faz bolo, omelete e pudim? Guarde-as e quando tiver um monte, use para fazer o pó de casca de ovo.
Quer saber para que serve? Veja aqui.
Egg Sculpture
David Jemerson Young, Jeff Laramore
Indiana State Museum
This piece depicts a straining yet sturdy bronze farmer holding a water-covered, egg-shaped globe on his shoulders. The egg shape represents the importance of farming in Kosciusko County. The water represents over 100 lakes in this county, including Indiana's largest natural lake, Wawsee.
L'Œuf du Serpent
film de Ingmar Bergman, 1977.
Du film...
Avec Liv Ullmann, David Carradine, Gert Frobe, Heinz Bennent, James Whitmore
Drame - Interdit aux moins de 12 ans
post de Rutix

Éditions Gallimard, 1978
Eiffel Tower in an Egg
Features the Arch of Triumph, Notre Dame cathedral, painters in Montmartre's Place du Tertre, the Moulin Rouge, and Sacre Cœur.
Buy here.
Œuf sur le Plat... sucré

Déposez un oreillon d'abricot au sirop sur un lit de yaourt bulgare et une pincée de vanille pour simuler le poivre.
Dégustez bien frais.13.12.09
Egg Glass Fishing Float
Glass fishing floats are hollow glass shapes that fishermen used to attach to their lines or their nets to hold the sides of the net, the headline, or the mouth of a trawl net up toward the surface of the water.
Egg-shaped floats are considered to be one of the oldest forms of floats.
The knobbed eggs were formed using a blowing pipe, punty and pincers, much rarer to find. Their knobs or neck would have been perfect for tying to a hand-held fishing line or attaching to the line from a fishing pole.
Egg-shaped floats are considered to be one of the oldest forms of floats.
The knobbed eggs were formed using a blowing pipe, punty and pincers, much rarer to find. Their knobs or neck would have been perfect for tying to a hand-held fishing line or attaching to the line from a fishing pole.
See other fishing floats here.
Inhabited Fried Egg

Luigi Serafini
Luigi Serafini is an italian artist whose works all tend to be unusual. He has had works presented
in several exhibitions, whitch works include paintings, sculpture and curious objects like this ceramic.
L. Serafini wrote and illustrated the famous Codex Seraphinianus during the late 1970's.
The Codex is a lavishly produced book that purports to be an encyclopedia for an imaginary world in a parallel universe, with copious comments in an incomprehensible language. It is written in a florid script, entirely invented and completely illegible, and illustrated with watercolor paintings.
in several exhibitions, whitch works include paintings, sculpture and curious objects like this ceramic.
L. Serafini wrote and illustrated the famous Codex Seraphinianus during the late 1970's.
The Codex is a lavishly produced book that purports to be an encyclopedia for an imaginary world in a parallel universe, with copious comments in an incomprehensible language. It is written in a florid script, entirely invented and completely illegible, and illustrated with watercolor paintings.
The Codex is divided into a number of sections (each with its own table of contents, the page numbers are in base-21 or base-22!) on subjects such as plants, animals, inhabitants, machines, clothing, architecture, numbers, cards, chemical analyses, labyrinth, Babel, foods... There are panoramic scenes of incomprehensible festivals, and diagrams of plumbing!
The Codex is to that imaginary world what Diderot's Encyclopedia is to ours. Obviously, Serafini was not just attempting to create a consistent alternate world. Rather, the Codex is sort of an elaborate parody of the real world.
The Codex Seraphinianus is a real exciting and amazing book !
Get Dry With an Egg
1) Double usage: Has the function of dehumidifier and decoration.
2) Cordless design: No electricity needed, can be applied anywhere.
3) Moisture level indication: Color changing indicator to indicate the level of moisture adsorption.
4) Re-usable: When fully adsorbed with moisture, place into microwave oven to regenerate.
2) Cordless design: No electricity needed, can be applied anywhere.
3) Moisture level indication: Color changing indicator to indicate the level of moisture adsorption.
4) Re-usable: When fully adsorbed with moisture, place into microwave oven to regenerate.
Buy here.
Ovos criativos
À croquer
Modelés à la main, quatre petits lapins, en pâte d'amande, sortent ébahis d'une boîte à œufs comme du chapeau d'un magicien.
Œufs à malice
Échappés des tiroirs, rubans, timbres, boutons de nacre, tampons ou papiers anciens découpés et collés jouent la carte du charme et le tour est joué.

1. Trompe-l'œil

Place gardée

1. Trompe-l'œil
Ces mini-vases, en boîtes d'œufs peintes en violet et surmontés d'une coquille vide comme des coquetiers, ont beaucoup d'allure.
2. Sablés glacés
Des œufs de petites et grandes tailles, au décor graphique travaillé en glaçage, sont découpés à l'emporte-pièce.
4. Candide
Celui-ci ne fait pas l'autruche même s'il en la taille! Le glaçage recouvre la pâte sablée et réserve de fameuses surprises fleuries.
2. Sablés glacés
Des œufs de petites et grandes tailles, au décor graphique travaillé en glaçage, sont découpés à l'emporte-pièce.
4. Candide
Celui-ci ne fait pas l'autruche même s'il en la taille! Le glaçage recouvre la pâte sablée et réserve de fameuses surprises fleuries.
Place gardée
Une simple étiquette est revêtue d'un morceau de tissu collé. Un poisson en papier au nom de l'invité et une portée donnent le ton de l'invitation.
Fonte: Marie Claire idées nº72 - Mars 2009
An Egg for Grimaldi
The Clowns Gallery, Dalston, London.
Joseph Grimaldi (1778 – 1837), the most celebrated of English clowns.
Egg Scales (1)

Our eggs nowadays are much larger than back then.
Political Egg Dance

By Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), c.29 June 1867
Cartoon No.55 in The Earl of Beaconsfield K.G. Cartoon's from
PUNCH magazine
Punch's comment on Disraeli's management of the Reform Bill in the House of Commons.
In Tenniel's political cartoons, the foremost of all performers are the politicians, appearing as theatre managers, actors, fairground, circus and pantomime performers, conjurors, jugglers, magicians and musicians.
Throughout much of the second half of the century, political power alternated between Gladstone’s Liberal party and Disraeli’s Conservative party, and this is reflected in many cartoons, where the two men emerge as the most popular double-act in nineteenth-century politics.
An early example, 'The Balancing Brothers of Westminster' (28 February 1857), portrays them as acrobats to satirise a rare agreement over the Budget. Similarly, in 1867, Disraeli appears as a delicately poised ballet dancer with wrinkled tights stepping delicately around the County and Borough issues of electoral reform in 'The Political Egg-Dance' (29 June 1867).
Gladstone's dancing turn comes in 'His Favourite Part' (2 December 1871)...
"Reduced version of a section" of a thesis, by Gill Stoker in The British Theater Guide.
O ovo ou a galinha?
I mailed the egg in standard packaging ...
In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the Postal Service’s Manual ...
I mailed both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 a.m., on a Monday morning...
In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the Postal Service’s Manual ...
I mailed both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 a.m., on a Monday morning...
(Keep reading)
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